menu Ecode Design

JavaScript Beginner to Advanced Course in Kolkata

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6 Projects will cover in this course


Countdown Timer


Notes App


Calculator App


File Downloader App


Form Validations


Ecommerce - Restaurant Shopping Cart

Course Features
6 Months
Total Class
Live Project
Job Assistance
Rs 22,500

Who this course is for:

  1. Web Designers looking to improve their skill set
  2. Programmers who want to learn JavaScript & improve their programming skills.
  3. People looking to start programming
  4. Students who want to learn Javascript
  5. People who learn progarmming as a hobby
  6. Those who want to set career in JavaScript programming
  7. Anyone else who wants to learn Javascript

What You Will Learn?

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Variables and data types
  • Operators and expressions
  • Functions
  • Scope in JavaScript
  • Working with the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Arrays and Objects
  • Asynchronous JavaScript
  • Introduction to asynchronous programming
  • Callback functions
  • Promises and Async/await
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
  • Prototypes and inheritance
  • Functional programming concepts
  • Error Handling and Debugging
  • JavaScript ES6
  • Working with ES modules
  • Browser APIs and Web Storage
  • Working With Third Party API
  • Working with the Web Storage API (localStorage, sessionStorage)
  • Fetch API for AJAX requests
  • Building a Complete JavaScript Project
    • Planning and structuring a JavaScript project
    • Implementing features and functionality
    • Optimizing performance and user experience
    • Deploying a JavaScript application

Course Requirements ?

  • Prior Knowledge in coding HTML and CSS before taking the course.
  • Any computer or Laptop and OS will work — Windows, or Linux or macOS.
  • There is no need for any paid software.
  • Free Text Editor — Notepad++, Sublime, VSCode.

Course Overview

Ecode Design offers complete Javascript Course in Kolkata West Bengal. Nowadays JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and its popularity continues to grow. As a result, there is a high demand for JavaScript developers in the job market. Learning JavaScript opens up a wide range of career opportunities and increases your employability. That is Why we make our Course in such a way so that beginners also can start. It has a simple syntax and requires minimal setup to get started. You can start experimenting with JavaScript code right away in your browser's developer console.

Ecode design JavaScript course fees is very reasonable students can pay in instalments.

And now we provide both Online and Offline JavaScipt course so students can join anywhare from India.